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Showing posts from July, 2010

702 Walk the Talk

25 July 2010 Belinda and i did the 15km part of the 702 walk the talk. The day started off really early with me waking up at 4:15 to be at Belinda’s gran’s (Dawn’s) house by 4:45. We set off to Kieran’s house (Dawn’s son) as he was providing us with a lift to the venue. Four of us squished into the back as Kieran and his fiancĂ©e, Nancy took the front. We got dropped off at the corner of Emmerentia, and not realizing that he was going back home had to whip off my tracksuit quickly in the car. The morning wasn’t too cold, despite being 6am, so i didn’t mind being in shorts. We took a walk up the hill to the start, which was about 1km away. Dawn set off at 6:30 doing the 30km walk. Belinda and i hung around at the start for an hour, watching all the late 30km walkers running to the start and start walking once they got to the banner. The crowds for the 15km came with 30 minutes before our start, and the mood was set. To get warm and our heart rates going, Black Eyed Peas, I gotta Feeli