The big day was here, and I had been rolling around in the sleeping bag, imagining that it was raining and cold outside. A beep on my phone woke me into reality – “Hey u, are u awake”, it was Jason, waiting outside for me. I got changed and went outside to be greeted by his warm smiling face, which reminded me of the previous night. I guess our affection could not be hidden from there on, but no one made comments or asked questions. My focus had shifted slightly and I stared out into the water wondering if what I had done the previous night was right. After a quick breakfast, the tent was taken down and everything packed away, and we were on our way to the start. Jenny dropt us off just by the start before proceeding down the road towards the finish to hand Dylan our bags, and beginning her journey with Jason on the way home. I cannot deny the sparkle in Jason’s eyes as we said goodbye, I had no idea that we wouldn’t even have time for a good bye hug, and I guess this was a reminder ...
Food // Fitness // My World