We have all heard adopting a low GI lifestyle can result in weight-loss, but do we really know what GI means or how it compares to GL foods? What is GI? Glycaemic Index measures the effect carbohydrates have on blood glucose levels . Foods with a GI of 0-54 are safe to eat, while foods over 70 should be avoided. Eating foods high in GI will cause your blood glucose levels to peak and drop quickly, whereas foods with a low GI give you a steady rate of energy. What is GL? Glycaemic Load takes into account the amount of Carbohydrates in a given food. It studies the glycaemic response, while considering the carbohydrate content in a specific serving size of a food item. Foods with a low GL encourage the body to burn fat. The GL is calculated by taking the percentage carbohydrate content per portion of a specific food and multiplying it by its Glycaemic Index value. The best foods to eat have a GL of under 10. GL = Carbohydrate content per ...
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