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Showing posts from September, 2017

Starting New Habits

Out with the old and in with the new... So my office has decided to kick off a little October weight loss challenge. The goal is to lose 5% of your current weight. This morning I weighed in at 58.4kg, which will put my goal weight in at 55.48kg come end of October. I have gained a few kg over the weeks as my cross country season has come to an end, I have not been paying too much attention to what I have been eating and also I have been focusing a lot more on strength in the gym (I am hoping my gain has been from muscle). So my plan of action is to keep my food simple and planned out, particularly on weekends when the diet tends to wander. So next weeks meal plan will look something like this: Breakfast: 1 Boiled Egg and half a grapefruit Lunch: Grilled Chicken or steamed fish (alternating) with veggies Afternoon Snack: Banana and nuts or 3 x provita with low fat cottage cheese Grapefruits:  Low in calories but are full of nutrients and an excellent source of vitam