So after having lost 1.5kg I thought I was in for an easy victory... that is until the weekend happened and nerves for my upcoming race hit me HARD. I am unfortunately one of those people that have to stay disciplined. One chocolate will lead to two and one bad day is leading into a whole week. It is important for me to understand why I crave certain foods... is it boredom or is it a lack of a certain mineral? Below is a list that I will start working on, to correct my cravings and get myself back on track: If you crave this... What you really need is... And here are healthy foods that have it: Chocolate Magnesium Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits Sweets Chromium Broccoli, grapes, cheese, dried beans, calves liver, organic free-range chicken Carbon Fresh fruits Phosphorus Chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes, whole grains Sulfur Cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables, kale, cabbage Tryptophan Cheese, liver...
Food // Fitness // My World