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Showing posts from October, 2019

To get anywhere, you need to take the first step...

Stair Training - a simple exercise of going up and down stairs. Anyone who has watched Rocky knows of the iconic scene where Rocky climbs 72 stone steps before the entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A feat of strength and endurance. Many youtube videos show athletes conquering the stairs at their local stadium. But is there any purpose to running stairs or are they just for show? For many runners, training involves long runs, tempo runs, speed work, hill work and sometimes strength in the gym. But should runners look to incorporate stair training into their routine? From my personal experience, yes! Stair training is great for runners and walkers alike, due to its cardiovascular and muscle toning benefits. What are the benefits? With stair climbing, a higher demand is placed on the body, meaning your muscles are forced to work harder, to resist gravity. Your glutes and thigh muscles are actively engaged, which will increase stability and