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Showing posts from October, 2022

Reflections... 18 Weeks Pregnant

Reflections.... I am now 7 weeks postpartum and did such a bad job following my pregnancy journey that I didnt even post the below for 18 Weeks.... So here it goes and I'm not sure what the ending of this would have been.  So here I sit at 18 Weeks 5 Days pregnant... Baby is the size of a bell pepper, 14.2cm and weighs about 200g. I call it Lil P. I am not too sure how much I will blog but I am sure one day I will look back on this and reflect.... The first thing that comes to mind with my pregnancy is my mush brain. The amount of times I need to read and edit a message or email before sending is frightening. My words or spelling can be right but my tense is wrong or I will put extra words in. It makes me nervous about work as I work with system data for two big clients in South Africa and I am also busy with a system upgrade and re-implementation of data, so I need to work extra hard to avoid mistakes. Another biggy for me is pain in terms of stiffness and pressure. I started stru