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Showing posts from 2021

Sweat or Rain?

 The skies blessed us with another weekend filled with raindrops (ok yes it has been 2 weeks now...) Waking up at 4:45am on Saturday to hear the dripping outside, wondering if track training was going to happen or if we would do something on the road. I had my smoothie (hemp, dates, oat milk, blueberries and cashews) along with my herbalife tea, while heating up my hamstrings with a bean bag. At about 5:20am the message came through that training was cancelled and to do a easy 30 minute run when the weather allowed. I then got a private message asking me to do the planned session on the road, when weather allowed. The weather forecast looked bleak for the day, and not knowing what to do, I made myself a cup of coffee (not something I usually have before a run). I decided to go and do my session at Ruimsig stadium, at least its safer than the wet roads and so be it if I get wet (also I know I would not want to train later in the day if the weather cleared). Honestly I am glad I went thr

About Me..

 It has been a while since my last post, so I thought I would just do an introduction of myself and quick update.. Hi, I am Zoe Brentano-Murphy, 30, living in Johannesburg, South Africa. I started running at about the age of 8 - my sister and dad are both runners. I won my first cross country race at the age of 9 and probably since then I have been hooked on winning. Growing up I cant really say I enjoyed running, but I always enjoyed the taste of victory and the attention it brought so I continued on with it until I matriculated in 2008. After this I ran on and off - my only interest was actually Cross Country which I did every year. I was still active - I cycled and took part in the sun city swim in 2001, even though I swim like a rock. In 2015 I joined a coach and was happy with my progression until I picked up a calf/ achilles injury during a race in September. I continued with it until February 2016 when I went for a platelet injection in my achilles. This left me recovering for m