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Silly Season

So, I just finished my first job house sitting. Not bad pay, considering all the luxuries I had, including endless Cd's, DVDs and Xbox games - a TV junkie like myself's dream.

I spent 5 nights at the house - a compact, 2 story complex type house, but it was comfy. I didn't spend much time there, mostly fed the 2 dogs and cats and came and went. The animals were friendly, however, for the one cat, Zack, who took a while to get use to a stranger in the house.



I've mostly been riding my bike around since the roads are quieter, and i can feel the confidence and cockiness growing. Wednesday wasn't a good day though. From the rain, the sand was soft, and as i was closing the gate before i had a chance to turn around i heard the sound...  JL's side stand had dug into the soft soil and slipped too low, to a point he fell over. Of course i couldn't lift him, so my mom and i made a quick job of lifting him to find the clutch had broken.

Luckily, there is an Aprillia shop around the corner from the house i was sitting, so after fetching the keys we were able to order the part (the factory was closing on the Thursday at lunch time, so we got in just in time). By the next day, we got the clutch, I fitted it, and off I rode for another adventure.

Friday I finished work early, so my mom fetched me from the house and we went to the Baron for lunch, before going home for and hour, followed by a visit to the Hemers. Of course, since I was drinking, and it was getting dark, we left at 7, and my mom dropt me back at the house.

Saturday, Christmas day, was spent sending early messages to everyone. at 8 i made my way home, so see what Santa had bought, and have a mini Christmas. Afterwards, I went back to the house, where my mom fetched me to take me to my Aunts house for Christmas lunch. We came back later in the afternoon, exhausted from the food and travel.

Sunday my mom came to the house, where i made brunch. Nothing fancy, but clearly we weren't very hungry. After my mom left I spent the rest of the day past out on the coach watching movies and walking the dogs.

Monday was a public holiday, and so I decide we should go play adventure golf. Haven't played in ages, and clearly we were a bit rusty - in my case not at hitting the ball in the water. Afterwards we had some lunch at Mug and Bean - my lunch consisted of a peppermint crisp slice of cake since i couldn't stomach much more food. Afterwards we walked around a bit and chatted to some people we knew along the way. After my mom had left i continued to browse around for a bit before heading to the house. I then decided to take a walk to Monte to see about Christmas shopping,  and boy, i can feel the arms from carrying those heavy packets back. If that wasn't enough i walked the dogs round the block - my feet hated me for that.
Once again my night was filled with movies, Pretty Woman in particular.

Tuesday back to work. Got an early phone call from a client, causing me to leave the house 30 minutes earlier than planned. I guess the neighbors have had enough of me, and all my bike revving, guitar hero singing, and 5:30 am vacuuming.

Tomorrow i plan to go to the shops to pick up one little piece, to complete my Christmas shopping, then i can wrap. Need to sort out the house sometime this week, since Saturday my dad comes home, so we will probably do Christmas part 2 then. Bu of course Friday night is new years, and some of us are thinking of heading off to Jet for a night to celebrate, so we will see how well Saturday goes...


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