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One year anniversary

Lets rewind a bit to 30 June 2011, the night I officially became unavailable, the night where Dakota decided to ask me to be his girlfriend after a simple bbm status update.

We had spoken for 2 weeks, and I was crushing on him badly. I was confident back then, but when I couldn't even look him in the eyes and he made me feel school girl nervous, I knew there was something about him. He told me he liked Cian and would miss her while she was in Hungary, and I too would miss her as we had become good friends. A week later he admitted to liking someone else, someone he called a special person.

Thursday 30 June 2011. Randburg Harriers
By this time I was desperate to talk to him, and get in some alone time, but it seemed he had other plans.
He was sitting outside, on a bench, talking to a girl from his school, who I happened to know as well. As he smiled away at her, I realized that he was too good to be true, and I had once again taken an unnecessary fall. Later that night I confronted him, and asked if she was special, to which he replied yes. I felt broken, my world shocked even though nothing had actually happened between us. I felt like a fool, and like I had been lead on, so I changed my bbm status to just that. When he asked what it was about, or who, I refused to tell him. Somewhere along the way he realized it was him and confessed that he liked me. I too took a leap and confessed I liked him. It was that confession that started the 2 of us.

This brings me to the present day, where we have our own record of the longest relationship. It has been just over a year together, and I cherish all the memories and times we have had together. I am not the most patient, or calm, or caring or committed, or greatest person in the world, and yes I get moody and want time to myself, but at the end of the day I couldn't be happier than with the treasure I currently have.

For our one year anniversary I decided to surprise him with a mini picnic on a hammock, with a scrapbook with pictures and things we did each month of the year we have been together, as well as a special cupcake.
The morning went by quickly, but no magic was taken away from that special occasion, and all we have forward to is a life time of moments and memories, but nothing will ever be quite as special as a one year anniversary


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