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Spur Trail Race

Sunday, 1 December 2013, the 4th Spur Trail Race of the Summer Series, my third race of the series.

Being in the lead of the log for the Short course I felt a bit more nervous than normal, all I needed to do was try and win the race, or at least finish ahead of my competition (Annerie Beetge). I already had excuses in my head "my chest is still sore from 94.7 two weeks ago", "my body is tired from the Warrior Race yesterday", but as I stood at the start line I felt prepared to give it my all.

The start was fast, it was a good 1.5km of downhill with lots of rocks and stones which needed much concentration. I felt strong on the first uphill and managed to catch a few of the junior boys. After about 2km I was passed by Adel, who I realized was not my main competition for the overall log, so I kept my constant pace. The next km or 2 was a fast single track, which required some ducking under low hanging branches and slippery muddy corners from the rain. After joining back on track with the long course, we entered an open area where we could clearly see the real challenge before us, the steep rocky uphill that will ultimately test the legs.
The first part of the hill was not too bad, until it started bending and becoming more steep. I took a quick 2m walk to ease into the hill (and I saw the camera man, and I did not want to be photographed walking!). I took the rest of the hill slowly, feeling the burn in my calves but determined to not walk. Eventually we made it to the top (relief, now for the downhill run home..), turning the corner I saw the last steep hill, with the long string of junior boys walking up it ahead of me. Chin down I conquered this hill without walking (now for the downhill run home, take two). My last km was not fast enough for me to catch Adel, but I was happy with my strong finish, and even better, I secured my win in the Short Course overall Open Women Log.

A special mention must go to my dad, Derek Brentano, for completing his 3rd Spur Trail Run on the Long Championship course, also completing 94.7 2 weeks ago, and Warrior Race on Saturday. He finished 6th overall on the Masters log, proving that age is no excuse for laziness

Looking at this series, I really got my motivation back for good, hard trail running. No Excuses! No holding back! Hopefully next year I will be able to compete again, this time in the Winter Series, to help with my fitness for Cross Country.

A big thanks to Wildrunner for organizing this amazing series, BOS for the refreshments at the end, Adidas for the great prizes and Spur. This event definitely has the potential to grow and become something great in the near future.


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