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Well I Am Challenge

Today officially marks the start of the Well I Am challenge. It will be running for 100 days and my goal is to become a healthier happier me, and hopefully this means that by the end of it I will be fitter, faster, leaner and more toned (it does help that I entered the physique category).

Each day we get to post a photo with a theme in order to win some extra prizes, and with 100 days the chances are pretty good.

So just to recap, I have received my wellness box full of healthy treats and vouchers to use at any time during the challenge. I have also done my Dischem health check - Another one of my goals is to get my cholesterol back down to minimal risk.

Unfortunately I am suffering a bit with illness and fear I may have pulled a muscle in my back from the coughing and as such I am limited to exercise, so my first focus will be to get better and eat as healthy as possible. As soon as I am better I will kick some butt in the gym and on the road, running!

To start off I have not eaten the best today, but it is not as some of my bad days in the past month or 2.
I have had too many cups of coffee, one rooibos tea, one ginger gluten free biscuit, Gluten Free Lentil and Smoked Bacon Soup and Strawberries. As I still live at home with my parents I don't have much say in the dinner that gets made, which is made up of meat, veg and a starch ; I already don't consume any condiments like tomato sauce, salt or pepper; so it is just a matter of portion control in the evening and clean eating in the day to keep my body running smooth.

Todays Photo Challenge is the "Before Photo", which is taken according to set guidelines. Unfortunately with being sick I have already lost some weight around my tummy area....

So just to recap, my plan of action and goals:
1. Bring down my cholesterol
2. Tone up
3. Increase Fitness
4. Monitor what I eat and prep meals before hand (or at least have an idea of what I am eating on a weekly basis).
5. Plan my exercise program weekly, including a rest day, strength, cardio and stretching


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