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Showing posts from 2018


What a roller-coaster 2018 has been, new experiences, new travels and things learnt... The first few months were pretty standard, early morning training sessions, work, gym at lunch time and coaching in the late afternoons. I was also doing courses for Anatomy, Aromatherapy, Holistic Massage and Sports Massage. In April my husband and I flew to England to start a new chapter in our lives. Shortly after arriving in the airport, he had to leave again due to some technical issues. We got to spend one day in London together before he had to return. I persevered, in the hopes of finding a job and being able to get him a spousal visa. Being in a foreign country is not easy, there are different rules and documentation that I needed to sort out, which delayed my job seeking process. I stayed in a small village called Yorkshire, the people there are probably the friendliest I have ever met and welcomed me with big arms at the first church service I went to. After a while I was even invited

Weight Loss...Its scientific

For many of us weight loss is a daunting task involving analyzing 'healthy' foods and the idea that eating less will in fact help us lose the weight. Weight loss is actually scientific, taking into account your basal metabolic rate (the amount of energy expressed in calories that a person needs to keep the body functioning at rest) and your level of activity. From this you can deduce how many calories you need to intake and which percentage of it is Fat, Protein and Carbohydrate. To begin, you need to estimate your RMR Now take a look at your Physical Activity Level From this, you can calculate your daily calorie requirements. Next we break it down into your macro nutrient needs - which is Carbs, Fats and Proteins: Carbohydrates: Based on your activity level, look at your target of grams per KG body weight. To get your Carbohydrate Calories, times your Carbs (g) by 4.  The reason for this is 1g Proteing = 4 kcal Protein Based on your ac