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What a roller-coaster 2018 has been, new experiences, new travels and things learnt...

The first few months were pretty standard, early morning training sessions, work, gym at lunch time and coaching in the late afternoons. I was also doing courses for Anatomy, Aromatherapy, Holistic Massage and Sports Massage.

In April my husband and I flew to England to start a new chapter in our lives. Shortly after arriving in the airport, he had to leave again due to some technical issues. We got to spend one day in London together before he had to return. I persevered, in the hopes of finding a job and being able to get him a spousal visa. Being in a foreign country is not easy, there are different rules and documentation that I needed to sort out, which delayed my job seeking process. I stayed in a small village called Yorkshire, the people there are probably the friendliest I have ever met and welcomed me with big arms at the first church service I went to. After a while I was even invited to the Tuesday evening singing practice. I even got to sing in the one church service, with a few other ladies. It was during one of these services that I was introduced to someone who allowed me to gain work experience under his company for a month and earn some money.

I spent a lot of my time on job websites and taking the bus and trains to job interviews, which allowed me to also see different parts of the country side. Unfortunately in this situation I suffered depression, I felt as though I was not winning; my job in South Africa had been taken and I was pretty much alone in a country I did not know feeling like no one wanted to employee me even though the employment agencies said I had strong skill sets and experience.

In July, I did a skype call from a company in South Africa that deals with Infor EAM - its strange because the whole last month I was thinking about going back to working with EAM and looking online if there were any available openings. I got the job and I was due back to South Africa to start work 1 August. This experience also taught me about flight booking and luggage booking as I was only allowed one bag coming back and needed to cargo my other bag. Besides this, I feel I was 'failing' simply because there was something better coming my way. It was no means difficult to make the decision of should I stay in the UK or come back to SA.

Since I've been back, I have enjoyed being back in this industry. I am lucky that I now get to train in the afternoons or have the late afternoon off. Do I miss coaching? Yes I do, I miss the people and seeing others succeed but at the same time I enjoy the freedom I have, I can participate in more things after work or I can simply relax.

My husband and I have started the Keto diet, truth be told it is actually more like banting. Physically I have seen no changes, and personally I dont enjoy so much fat in my diet, but health wise and energy for running it has been good to me. I dont think I will be sticking to the diet, but I do enjoy the low sugar and low gluten aspect, and it has taught me balance and general healthy habits.

I have tried to be more consistent and dedicated with my running. I signed up for a 5km running program to try and get my time down in preparation for cross country next year. Unfortunately I have suffered a set back in the form of a calf injury - Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome and inflammation around my tibial nerve in my calf, possibly aggravated by an old untreated injury. I replaced my sessions with aqua jogging and cycling to ensure that I keep fitness and as much of a routing as possible.

My goals for 2019 are to be done with the courses. I have neglected my studies since I left for the UK. I was there for 3 months and did not open a single book. There are a few reasons behind this, two of them being depression and lack of discipline. With massage I am hoping to earn some extra income working once or twice a week after work, on my rest days. My other goal for 2019 is to improve on my running, for parkrun and cross country next year. There are two races I have my eye on, just as something different and that is the Sudwala Screaming Monster and the Wakkerstroom Challenge. I might consider doing the Sun City swim as well. Most importantly I have to be consistent with my training and strength work, to see results and not get injured.

This year has taught me to be patient and that good things will come when I least expect them.


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