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Showing posts from April, 2019

Orienteering @ The Wilds

The Wilds Municipal Nature Reserve, 28 April 2019 Heading in to the event, I was a bit nervous firstly in terms of navigation and secondly in terms of running. Running has been my advantage this season and with a recent tendon injury in my foot, I wasn't sure how much strain I was going to take out there. Normally I do about a 10km run before events, but because of my injury I had to miss it. I still went for a 1km warm-up, to prepare my body. I decided to go nearly last - I find I focus better if I am behind people, instead of thinking the whole time of who is going to pass me. I started 2 minutes behind Tania. Start > #1: Followed the bottom path. Wasted time as I thought I had missed the control and was trying to figure out where on the path I was when I crossed the path that led to the gate. I continued going after I though I knew where I was, but it was a very good start. Initially I thought the control was on the right, but it was actually on the left. Easy to spot

Orienteering @ Edenvale High School

14 April 2019 Edenvale High School Back to Orienteering in the light and around buildings... My weak point is fast navigation and as much as I like the urban or sprint events, I am actually not very good when it comes to navigating my way around buildings and thinking and planning ahead. If we got 1 minute to just stand and select route choices before we ran I think I would do so much better, its the moving while thinking that gets me confused and I feel I waste time if I stand at the control to read the map. I have been to Edenvale once to help with schools league many years ago, so I had a vague idea of the layout. I was nervous about my speed, navigation and foot - I had come from an 11km run but I feel my fitness has dropped slightly. I was expecting to place maybe 3rd or 4th. I started near the back of the women, I feel its less pressure as I won't be caught by anyone. Start > 1: Setting off I took a bit longer to find #1. Route choice was either left or right of bu

Night Orienteering @Wanderers

30 March 2019 Wanderers Golf Course I am going to start off by saying that this event was definitely not my event. I think I have been so caught up in who I am going to beat and how fast can I run, rather than focusing on the actual course and technique on the night. I was not able to find a map before the event, so I did not feel as mentally prepared as I wanted to be. I realized after registration closed that Michelle was not there, so I think I placed a lot of pressure on myself to come first, to get those 1000th points, instead of focusing on doing well on navigation. When I got to the start I put my name down at the first available time, which meant I had 3 minutes before the start - no time for warm-up. I have been suffering with a bit of a foot injury, but I knew that whatever pain, I could run through it. Start - #1: Picking up the map and starting, I was actually cautious and stopped to find #1 - I did not get to see where the other ladies had gone to. Following the path