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Orienteering @ The Wilds

The Wilds Municipal Nature Reserve,
28 April 2019

Heading in to the event, I was a bit nervous firstly in terms of navigation and secondly in terms of running. Running has been my advantage this season and with a recent tendon injury in my foot, I wasn't sure how much strain I was going to take out there. Normally I do about a 10km run before events, but because of my injury I had to miss it. I still went for a 1km warm-up, to prepare my body.

I decided to go nearly last - I find I focus better if I am behind people, instead of thinking the whole time of who is going to pass me. I started 2 minutes behind Tania.

Start > #1: Followed the bottom path. Wasted time as I thought I had missed the control and was trying to figure out where on the path I was when I crossed the path that led to the gate. I continued going after I though I knew where I was, but it was a very good start. Initially I thought the control was on the right, but it was actually on the left. Easy to spot once I got to it.
#1 > #2: Straight along the path.
#2 > #3: Across the bridge, control was just on the path after the bridge
#3 > #4: Followed the path and took the path to the right that heads towards the dams. I ran across the grass and was heading too far right before realizing that the control was on the other side of a thicket, so I had to veer a bit left again to go around the thicket. This was a good leg to read ahead to #5.
#4 > #5: Leaving #4 I crossed the path and followed the vegetation boundary to the next path. Turned right up the path and could see the control below the boulder/ cliff
#5 > #6: Followed the cliff right, heading up towards the path. On the path, turned left and saw the control.
#6 > #7: Dropped back down to the path, turned left and left again up the path. Followed it all the way past the small ponds before ducking into the vegetation - could see the control, so it was just a case of making my way there. 
#7 > #8: Made my way up to the path - didnt aim off anywhere so probably went too much right. On the path junction I just went straight through the green - I considered going up the other path, to the little foot path but thought this would waste time. Followed the ridge along to the control. This was a slow leg because of the climbing over the rocks. When I got to the control I saw that it was easy to see from the path below, with a nice footpath from the orienteers - hindsight this would have saved me 30-45 seconds.
#8 > #9: Dropped down to path and followed it all the way to the control. My plan had been to cut the corner but the path to the control came up sooner than I had expected.
#9 > #10: Followed path along. Plan was to drop down into the vegetation after the path to the left, but I ran a bit further looking for an easier path to go through. Ended up too far left. Was able to see the control once I got a bit more over the ridge. Another slow leg with the rocks.
#10 > #11: Dropped down to the path and turned right. There was some yoga class happening on the lawns, so did not run through that way. Followed the path to the building, across top of open area and continued following the path around the building, down the stairs to the control
#11 > #12: Back up the stairs and path in front of the building. Took the 2nd path along and followed along to the control. Tried to read ahead to #13 on this leg.
#12 > #13: Followed path along to 2nd path from the left, before going into the vegetation. Control was further down to what I was expecting - also, had to fight the vegetation a bit more.
#13 > #14: Followed paths along to the bridge
#14 > #15: Ran across the bridge, control just on the other side
#15 > #16: Followed the path along. Dropped through the vegetation a bit too early - was worried I had overshot. Saw Brian punch the control.
#16 > #17: Followed a dirt path back up to the main path and turned left. Followed path all the way to the control. Read ahead to #18 to confirm how I was going to exit control.
#17 > #18: Turned back and went left, towards the little path, that lead to a main path and turned right down the path. Left path when I saw some rocks and the edge of the fence. Control was on the left.
#18 > #19: Went up along the fence and followed the fence at the top, to the path. At the path I turned left before taking the first path to the right. Control was easy to spot on the right. Slow going at the top with all the rocks
#19 > #20: Went back up towards the path and straight across. Went along ridge to the control
#20 > #21: Carried on towards the path, heading left. Cross the path, across the open area and along the ridge. Wasn't confident going along the ridge to this one, but didnt have any problems finding the control
#21 > #22: Headed down to the path and turned left. Ran behind the reservoir and through the vegetation. Found Tania and Pat Howell at this control.
#21 > #23: Super slow control with climbing over the rocks. Went down through the vegetation. I was caught up a bit with Tania and Pat as we all headed the same way.
#23 > #24: I dont think I put any thought into this leg, eager to catch up to and pass Tania, I went bashing through the vegetation, across the path (Tania turned left down the path) and bashing through vegetation again. I came across a small path that led to the main path. I wasn't really sure where I was, but thought I was too high up. Followed the path down until I got to my control. I saw Tania disappear over the hill as I got there.
#24 > #25: Up and over the hill, through the vegetation and across the path. Ran around the vegetation boundary to the control
#25 > #26: Back out around the vegetation, turning left, followed vegetation boundary to the control. Saw Tania, not sure if she had run past this control and had to come back.
#26 > Finish: Straight down to the finish.

Overall no mistakes as such. With the rocky pathways I battled to read ahead - I was more focused on where I was putting my feet. Navigation was slow, but not as bad as I was expecting. I did quite a bit of walking through the vegetation and rocky sections as I was being cautious about my injury - this was frustrating for me as it wasnt a runners course. My foot was ok, but the outside of my calf took a bit of strain with the uneven terrain. I lost a bit of concentration towards the end, once I saw Tania.

I ended up in 3rd on the ladies, a decent effort, finishing 2 minutes behind Michelle, which is about normal. Sarah Wimberley had an outstanding run to finish 2nd, about 30 seconds ahead of me.

Next event is in 2 weeks time on the Saturday night at the Joburg Country Club - I have my first Cross Country race on the same day.


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