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Showing posts from May, 2019

Orienteering @ Woodlands Office Park

19 May 2019 Woodlands Office Park The final of the Urban series for 2019. Woodlands has always been an ok event for me, I've never had a really bad run but I have also never had a good run, I was interested to see what the event would hold for me. I ran the RAC 10km first (in a time of 44:41), before rushing to the event. This meant that I started last - Elaine and Michelle had already finished when I arrived. We had a different start to normal, a bit down the road, with the start control at the entrance to the park/ reserve. Start >  1: Ran on the inside of the olive green and headed off with no actual plan of getting to the control. I ended up by another olive green, before turning left around the thick vegetation. I followed through, deciding to head to the path. Once I hit the path I turned right, following the path until I saw the small building, where I cut into the vegetation, to the control. Hind sight, I should have run to the right of the thick vegetation and

Orienteering @ The Joburg Country Club

11 May 2019 The Johannesburg Country Club Another night Orienteering event, and the last one for the year. My Saturday was quite busy. I started off the day by doing Golden Harvest Parkrun, tailwalking with Alison and Rascal. I then had to rush home to get ready and leave for Cross Country in Dobsonville - It was the first race of the season and I was quite happy with placing 5th in the senior women 4km. Rushing home, it was my first weekend of feeding the feral cats at the local business park (there are 6 stations). Getting back home only to rush off again to the orienteering. After being injured and taking some time off I wasn't feeling too confident in my running going in to the event, but the most I could do was try and focus on my navigation. I decided to start before Sarah Wimberley, something that I havent done all season, so there was a bit more pressure. Start >  1: Setting off I followed the path to the junction. I left the path and followed the path parallel

Wings for Life World Run 2019

5 May 2019 Irene Agricultural Research Council Farm My very first wings for life world run.  The object of the event is to keep running/ walking until the chasing car catches you (it starts 30 minutes after the event has started at 15km/h and increases by 1km/h every hour). 100% of entry fees goes towards spinal cord research. The night before I had gone to Monster Jam at FNB stadium, and didn't eat supper and battled to get to sleep. This meant that on Sunday I was feeling exhausted. As the race was at 1pm, I ate as close as possible to 9am, which was 2 fried eggs and a coconut pancake with nut butter - clearly the 17 hour fast did not agree with my stomach as I had gastro soon after eating. I also had a flat panic before leaving home as I realized that I had put on my 2018 license number and not 2019 - this meant everyone had to help me to hunt down my license numbers as a matter of urgency! But we managed to find a pair of 2019 numbers, that I swiftly put onto my runn

Parsley Tea

Recently I saw a post on Instagram about Parsley Tea. I have been trying to cut down on my herbal tea and coffee, but with the colder weather it has been hard - and hot water is just disgusting. I did some research on what parsley tea was about and what benefits it has. Parsley is high in vitamin K, C, A, E, and B vitamins. Parsley also provides fiber, iron, copper, calcium, and potassium. But since you don't eat the parsley in your tea, you won't benefit from fiber and you'll get only very small amounts of other vitamins and minerals. Benefits: High in antioxidants May Promote Blood Sugar Control Kidney stones Urinary tract infections (UTIs) Digestive problems Menstrual problems Liver disorders Fluid retention and swelling (edema) Side Effects:  People who consume too much parsley may experience anemia, liver or kidney problems. Having now tried parsley tea, it strangely reminds me of chicken soup - my dad found it 'earthy'. It was not as