19 May 2019 Woodlands Office Park The final of the Urban series for 2019. Woodlands has always been an ok event for me, I've never had a really bad run but I have also never had a good run, I was interested to see what the event would hold for me. I ran the RAC 10km first (in a time of 44:41), before rushing to the event. This meant that I started last - Elaine and Michelle had already finished when I arrived. We had a different start to normal, a bit down the road, with the start control at the entrance to the park/ reserve. Start > 1: Ran on the inside of the olive green and headed off with no actual plan of getting to the control. I ended up by another olive green, before turning left around the thick vegetation. I followed through, deciding to head to the path. Once I hit the path I turned right, following the path until I saw the small building, where I cut into the vegetation, to the control. Hind sight, I should have run to the right of the thick vegetation and...
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