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Parsley Tea

Recently I saw a post on Instagram about Parsley Tea. I have been trying to cut down on my herbal tea and coffee, but with the colder weather it has been hard - and hot water is just disgusting.
I did some research on what parsley tea was about and what benefits it has.

Parsley is high in vitamin K, C, A, E, and B vitamins. Parsley also provides fiber, iron, copper, calcium, and potassium. But since you don't eat the parsley in your tea, you won't benefit from fiber and you'll get only very small amounts of other vitamins and minerals.


  • High in antioxidants
  • May Promote Blood Sugar Control
  • Kidney stones
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Digestive problems
  • Menstrual problems
  • Liver disorders
  • Fluid retention and swelling (edema)

Side Effects: 

People who consume too much parsley may experience anemia, liver or kidney problems.

Having now tried parsley tea, it strangely reminds me of chicken soup - my dad found it 'earthy'. It was not as strong as I was expecting, but maybe I didnt put enough parsley in my cup. I have found it easy to drink and actually freshing.

How I made my parsley tea:

I took a few leaves (not a whole stem), about 15g, put them in a cup, followed by hot water.
I give the leaves and water a quick stir before leaving to steep for about 5 minutes.
When ready I take the leaves out.

Depending on your taste, you can add lemon and honey to the drink, but so far I have only tried it plain.

I have only been drinking this tea for a few days now and I can't say I have found any health differences but it definitely is convenient, tasty and makes a change to drinking other herbal tea.


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