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Showing posts from 2013

Spur Trail Race

Sunday, 1 December 2013, the 4th Spur Trail Race of the Summer Series, my third race of the series. Being in the lead of the log for the Short course I felt a bit more nervous than normal, all I needed to do was try and win the race, or at least finish ahead of my competition (Annerie Beetge). I already had excuses in my head "my chest is still sore from 94.7 two weeks ago", "my body is tired from the Warrior Race yesterday", but as I stood at the start line I felt prepared to give it my all. The start was fast, it was a good 1.5km of downhill with lots of rocks and stones which needed much concentration. I felt strong on the first uphill and managed to catch a few of the junior boys. After about 2km I was passed by Adel, who I realized was not my main competition for the overall log, so I kept my constant pace. The next km or 2 was a fast single track, which required some ducking under low hanging branches and slippery muddy corners from the rain. After joining

Just Why...?

Why is it that we care too much? Why is it that we love so deeply? Why is it that we chose to be with the ones that bring us the most amount of pain? Why risk wearing your heart on your sleeve? They say that if we care too little then we lose what we love, and if we care too much then we get hurt by what we love. Unfortunately there is no inbetween and no choice, we either care or we don't, and we all get hurt either way. But why care for someone when they don't care for themselves? Why try help someone who doesn't help themselves? Why encourage someone to take a stand when they chose to hide behind the person they meant to stand up to? Why be old enough to take control of your life when you chose to be sheltered like a 5 year old? Why want responsibility when you run away from it? At the end of the day we all hurt, either from caring too much or regretting that we didn't care enough. Sometimes its easier to just complain and not care about what happens in

Drawing Challenge # 15

My Family: Taharaa, Mom, Dad, me, Mr T

Drawing Challenge # 14

Fav Fairy tale:

Drawing Challenge # 13


Drawing Challenge # 12

Most recent accomplishment: These days, to run any 10km under 50 minutes is an accomplishment for me

Drawing Challenge # 11

Turning Point in Life: It's a long heartbreaking story about the turning point in my life, but the basically I was 19 when I met a guy called Juan. I had come into some money through my grans trust fund  and of course being young and naive I believed it would never disappear and so I bragged about it. I fell for him, and started lending him money. He told me he loved me, and of course I believed him, but at the same time knew that I could only keep him interested in me if I have money (he wouldn't just leave). He was one of those dodgy guys, who had communication issues, so when I felt down I would drink. It got to a point where I was drinking everyday, before, during and after work, just to block my feelings of sadness, pain and depression. Long story short, he took all my money, and about 8 months after we started "dating" he left me without saying anything. I was heartbroken. To this day I have trust issues because of him, but I feel I have grown up a lot s

20 Day Photo Challenge # 20

Self-Portrait: It is amazing how we can all change over the years, and taking self-portraits can either have a positive or negative effect on our self-esteem. A few years ago I use to take tons of photo's of myself, as in my eyes I look good, these days I often edit photo's of myself as I am not happy with my dull, spotty complexion. Looking at the comparisons, I can see the difference in my confidence, before I was full of myself, and now I try to hide. I don't however believe in too much makeup or expensive products or procedures to improve one's looks, as we are given something unique in nature, and one day someone will come along and love us for being unique even when we don't love ourselves. I'm not saying I would not mind if I were living an ugly duckling story, but sometimes we all have to make do with what we got, because being yourself and being unique makes everyone attractive in their own way. August 2010 April 2009 May 2009 Octob

Memories Part 2

Ok so I got a small complaint today, about a certain someone not getting a mention in my post about memories. Here is a special dedication to my best friend, and some of the memories we have captured over the last 680 days Energizer Night Race - 1 December 2012 Orienteering in Lydenburg - 24 June 2012 My 21st - 13 August 2011 Ghost Pub Tour - 6 October 2012 Joburg Day - 1 September 2012 Harrismith - 8 October 2011 Impi Challenge, Team Penguin - 7 April 2013 Cians 16th - 15 September 2012 Sun City - 22 October 2011 Grog Jog - 5 December 2012 Pedal Karts - 24 December 2012 New Years at Harties - 1 January 2012 Monte Bird Gardens - 1 May 2013 14 January 2012 Dakota's 17th - 10 December 2011 Jessie's 18th - 9 January 2012 Pantomime, Jack and the beanstalk - 23 December 2012 Cheetah Walk with Felix for Dakota's 18th- 8 December 2012 Limpopo - 24 September 2012 Randburg Harriers Aw

Drawing Challenge # 10

Fav Candy:

20 Day Photo Challenge # 19

What I wore today:

Drawing Challenge # 9

Fav TV Show: