MSM stands for Methylsulfonylmethane and is an organic form of sulphur, found in animals, humans, and many plants. It is becoming a popular form of anti-inflammatory as it has little to no side effects. Why I take THRESHHold MSM For the most part of 2018 I struggled with my right calf. It was in an odd place and no amount of foam rolling or stretching helped. In February, I saw an improvement after I rested for 2 weeks following servere gastro - the doctor had said my calf was in constant spasm as a result of my body fighting an illness. Between April and July I was in the UK and I did a lot more resting than training, however my calf was still giving me issues. I put this down to the fact that I was doing a lot of walking, something my calves arent use to. After getting back to SA, I started training a bit more, doing runs barefoot on the grass to try and build strength, but I think this made it worse. I got to a point where even at ...
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