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Meal Planning

As the famous saying goes "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail".
This concept could not be more true when it comes to your eating.

As humans, with ready-made meals, take-away and food delivery services becoming the norm, we have become lazy when it comes to thinking ahead to what we eating. We instead are choosing convenience and what we feel like having, or are craving, which is making for some bad meal choices.

Meal planning does not have to be a daunting task, if done correctly. If you are an athlete, you can plan your meals around your training program, so that days where you have an intense training session, your meals are lighter to allow for digestion and on rest days, you consume fewer but more nutritious calories - the reason for this is that you still need to fuel your body, but you don't need excess 'fuel' that you won't be burning through activity.

Planning snacks is just as important as your main meals, as this keeps you on track if you find yourself peckish between meals. Packing a snack does not mean you have to eat it - if you find that you are not hungry and you can wait until your next meal then save your snack for another day. Snacks should be small and light, allowing you to maintain stable blood sugar levels - If you are finding an afternoon slump, look at changing up your lunch and adding a small snack between lunch and dinner.

Plan post workout meals - this is normally a higher protein, easily digestible snack or small meal that will allow your body to absorb the nutrients and encourage quicker recovery. There is nothing worse than feeling ill after a workout because your body is starving for nutrients.

I use an excel calendar to plan my meals and update it to make notes of where my meals have changed or which meals I did not have. I also make notes on the side of other meal ideas - I find sometimes I get to the end of the week and don't feel like a particular food, I can then substitute for something else.

I also use MyFitnessPal to track my meals and calories. This way I stay on top of what I am eating, and know which foods made me feel good and which had a negative effect.

By doing all this, I don't have to think each week or each day what I am having to eat, or go to the shops and wonder around thinking what to buy. It is also easier to repeat meals, in particular lunch, as I know what works for me and its straight forward and easy.

Notes: It is also important to make notes of the supplements that are being taken - some have calories that add up, and its also a good way to know if certain medication or supplements are affecting you and if you should change when you take them.


Eat Healthier
- You are in control of what you eat
- You start eating more thoughtfully and conscientiously, ensuring you eat more balanced and nutritious meals
- Less chances of cravings
- Know that you are getting in good nutrition and it is also a good 'diary' to track which meals and food made you feel good.

Save Time
- Less time spent shopping as you know exactly what you are going to buy. Also you can buy for most of the week, avoiding shopping on a daily basis.
- You can make extra for dinner and save the left-over for lunch the next day.

Save Money
- With less time being spent in the shops, you are less likely to buy snack items found in the check out line, or food that you won't eat but looked good at the time. - You will also be saving on fuel with less trips to the shops.


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