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MSM stands for Methylsulfonylmethane and  is an organic form of sulphur, found in animals, humans, and many plants. It is becoming a popular form of anti-inflammatory as it has little to no side effects.

Why I take THRESHHold MSM
For the most part of 2018 I struggled with my right calf. It was in an odd place and no amount of foam rolling or stretching helped. In February, I saw an improvement after I rested for 2 weeks following servere gastro - the doctor had said my calf was in constant spasm as a result of my body fighting an illness. 
Between April and July I was in the UK and I did a lot more resting than training, however my calf was still giving me issues. I put this down to the fact that I was doing a lot of walking, something my calves arent use to. 
After getting back to SA, I started training a bit more, doing runs barefoot on the grass to try and build strength, but I think this made it worse. I got to a point where even at sitting my calf would hurt and sometimes even burn. 

In October I decided to go for some cryo therapy on my calf (like ice treatment) but this made no difference after 2 sessions. I ended up going to get a utra-sound, where I was told I have tarsal tunnel syndrome (compressed nerve in the ankle) and tendonosis. 

I was referred to a physio for exercises and given a weeks course of anti-inflammatory and nerve pain medication. I found the medication helped a little but also I was resting more. I started seeing the physio in November but she didn't do too much in the way of treatment as she couldn't really see where the problem was. At this point I was not on any pain or anti-inflammatory medication, simply because most of the brands cause me indigestion and chest pains. The physio had me mostly resting, which I knew didn't help (after resting for almost 3 months). 

During December I heard about THRESHHold MSM - one of the ladies I use to coach was now an ambassador for this product. I saw that Dischem had a special running, so I took advantage and bought 3 boxes of the 120 tablets and started taking them. 
I initially followed the chronic pain plan (2 tablets for 4 days, 2 tablets twice a day for next 4 days and then 3 tablets twice a day thereafter). After about 2 weeks I went down to 2 tablets twice a day and my training started increasing. The last time I saw the physio was 24 December. 
On 1 January, I did a double parkrun, and the next day was a hills session - my calf was feeling more tired than sore, simply because it had been a while since there was this load on it. After this hill session strangely I did not feel any pain again. 
I ran a 15km on 5 January and I expected to feel sore or a bit achy the next day, so I took 2 x 2 tablets - to my surprise waking up on Sunday no pain or tiredness in the calf. 

I have since been able to follow my training plan 100% and I haven't been back to the physio. I take the MSM in a maintenance dose, normally 2 tablets with breakfast. Some days, after a hard track session my calf feels tight but not sore, so the next day I just increase my dose as a means of prevention. I have also invested in a pair of stability running shoes and do basic prehab work for my feet and calves. 
I still suffer a bit with my achilles tendon (an injury from back in 2016) and tendonitis in foot arch, but once again I just increase my dose of MSM for a day or 2 and massage my foot - this inflammation is currently being caused by my arch collapsing, meaning I still have an inbalance somewhere I need to work on.

I did some of my own research and found that I might have actually suffered from pain in the Tibialis posterior muscle or flexor hallucis longus, this is the 20th most common running injury, so it could have been overlooked. It results in tarsal tunnel syndrome. 

Overall I think THRESHHold MSM has played a big part in my injury recovery and current maintenance of  pain and inflammation. I take the tablets religiously and am happy to report that I have not suffered from any side-effects except for a runners high after finishing my workouts pain free. 


Alleviates inflammation
Natural Pain reliver
Improves exercise recovery
Helps in treating muscle spasms 
Joint Health

Why do we need it?
Sulfur is removed from most of the foods we consume, leaving us deficient of this nutrient. 
Sulfur helps the body get the protein and amino acids we need.
Sulfur is known as a healing mineral and without it we often experience pain and inflammation.
Sulfur is involved in biological processes such as metabolism - it is present in insulin. 
Sulfur plays a critical role in detoxification

Take a look at how THRESHHold MSM can help you, be it in your everyday life or in improving your athletic performance:


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