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Mental Health

Having suffered with depression since high school, I can easily recognize the symptoms associated with depression and try to cope and adapt my lifestyle to accommodate and 'heal'. Unfortunately I have found that mental issues can only be resolved internally and there is no 'fix' that someone else can do - yes, it is good to talk to someone, a friend, family member or specialist, however it still comes down to you. You, yourself are ultimately responsible for your happiness, for your healing, for your attitude. No one can make you happy or change your situation except for yourself, but having the support and understanding of others helps in this process.

So why am i speaking about mental health?
The last few weeks have been quite a challenge for me, and without realizing it, the stress of the last month and working through December has built up and taken its toll upon me mentally and emotionally. There have been a few things to happen all at once - I have been waiting over a month now for blood tests and even after following up no one has come back to me. My frustration is that it has taken all my medical savings and I have no choice but to physically see the doctor to get my results, which I believe is pathetic to pay more money to get my results. Work has also been fairly frustrating. My mom was admitted to hospital for surgery on a dog bite, which affected my emotional state. Then this last Saturday, at a trail race advertising prize money to 1st male and female, they only gave to the first 3 overall, and the attitude was that they don't care because it was mainly a mountain bike event they view the trail race as a fun run. After this I felt drained and tired, physically, emotionally, mentally. It was the last straw to break me, and just like that I was hit with depression.

Depression is not just about feeling sad or low, its actually a feeling of nothing. Its a feeling that nothing matters, you have no energy, motivation or interest in doing anything really. Its a feeling of fatigue and just wanting to sleep and basically just giving up on yourself. This is when self-care is important, to take care of yourself and make time for yourself.

For me, poor mental health affects my running and performance. It leaves me feeling tired and unmotivated and like everything is a big chore. As I have certain goals in place and I do not want to lose the progress I have been making through my hard work the last few months, it is important that I stay on track and not make excuses.
It is easy to just do nothing, go home, not train, eat biscuits and tea... but this will only make me feel worse. This is an area in my life that I have control over and it is important for me to feel in control of something. Keeping my nutrition up is an important aspect of healing - ensuring my body and mind are nutritionally satisfied and fed. Sugar, although comforting can actually worsen depression.

Self-care is important - making time for yourself to find yourself again. Sometimes you just need to have a few hours to yourself, to relax and unwind. This can be done through yoga or meditation, reading your favorite book in the park or even in the garden, or booking yourself into a spa for a manicure, facial or massage. Eating correctly and keeping active, even if its just walking the dogs around the block encourages self-care and promotes self-healing. If you enjoy the outdoors, take the time to go on a hike in a  nature reserve and treat yourself to a healthy breakfast afterwards. Keeping the mind active also helps - to be left alone with one's thoughts often causes over thinking and can make the depression worse.

It's necessary to tackle issues head on as they come as well. Often we go into flight or fight mode and always go with flight as a way of avoiding situations that may make us unhappy. This stress of avoiding situations builds up and eventually we will need to face these situations. To avoid this build up of stress, it is better to face the situation and get it out the way, to clear your mind and avoid over thinking of when or if you have to face the situation.

At the end of the day, you only have one mind and one body and it is your life long duty to protect it, nurture it, heal it and take care of it.


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