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20 Day Photo Challenge # 16

Something of meaning:

Ok, this one was a bit hard to think of. When I think of something of meaning, I think of a personal possession or object that holds a special meaning to me, something that I will cherish forever, something that brings about tears of joy, happy memories and peace.
Unfortunately there are so many things that hold this kind of meaning to me and I can take pictures but it will probably be about 70% of the stuff in my room. From the cards sent by my Grandad in England, to both of my grandmothers beautiful jewellery, to teddy bears and tons of photo's, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Just looking at my row of medals and my certificates and trophies, they all mean something to me.

I thought a bit harder and decided what about me, and my meaning in life... Yes, I have a meaning, and so does my name. I think without it, I would be no one  I would mean nothing to the world, just another nameless person.
I looked a little closer to what my name means and some of the characteristics associated to my life:
Local Origin of Name:  Greek
From the Greek name:  Zoe
Meaning: ‘Life’
Emotional Spectrum : Falls  in love at the drop  of  a hat!
Personal Integrity: She has  a reverence for truth.
Personality: Laugh and  the world  laughs  with  you.
Relationships: The  model  for a best friend
Travel and Leisure: Who  better to travel with  than Zoe?
Career and Money: A career in investments would suit Zoe.
Life’s Opportunities: Not  one to pass  up a chance for advancement, she  will go far.
Zoe’s Lucky Numbers:   11 .9 . 30  . 54  . 40  . 6

People with this name tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful personalities. They tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with efficiency and determination. They tend to be courageous and sometimes aggressive. As unique, creative individuals, they tend to resent authority, and are sometimes stubborn, proud, and impatient.


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